I am passionate about supporting individuals who suffer emotionally because of challenges or trauma experienced during different developmental stages of their lifespan. This includes challenges or trauma experienced because of bullying, sexual and physical abuse, dysfunctional families, neglect, divorce, death of a loved one, witness of crime on the one hand, but also because of the emotional effect of neurodevelopmental disorders, learning challenges and ADHD, to name a few on the other hand. Using my extensive training and experience, I combine therapeutic skills with my knowledge of these conditions to assist my clients to overcome these challenges and to optimise development, functioning and learning.
I offer individual support and psychotherapy as well as parental guidance and recommendations to schools or tertiary institutions on how to support the individual. I have extensive training and a keen interest in Positive Behaviour Support and Functional Behaviour Analysis and am passionate about brain based learning.
I am internationally trained and experienced in the ADHD specific Coaching Model of Jodi Sleeper Triplet and incorporate these tools as part of the therapeutic process to support individuals diagnosed with ADHD and/or Executive Functioning disorders/challenges (Executive Dysfunction).
My areas of special interest include, but are not limited, to the following:
BWRT® as a psychotherapeutic intervention for trauma caused by challenges during different developmental stages (domestic violence, parent with mental illness, death of a loved one, emotional/physical/sexual abuse, neglect, community violence, car accidents, etc.
- Emotional support (anxiety, phobias, depression, etc.)
- Learning Challenges/ Learning Disabilities and the emotional effect on the individual
- ADHD and the co-morbid conditions (anxiety, depression, executive dysfunction, etc.)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (High functioning/Asperger’s, Level 1) and the social and emotional effect on the individual and family.
- Positive Behaviour Support
- Executive Dysfunction, Support and Coaching